成人游戏下载 爸爸带娃不靠谱?逗比奶爸带娃爆笑短暂(组图)
发布日期:2024-10-31 14:22 点击次数:189Parenting can be tricky at the best of times - but a series of hilarious photographs show fathers making it look incredibly easy. 即使最顺利的时分成人游戏下载,带娃也可能很郁闷儿。但望望底下这组爆笑相片,爸爸们偶然分会把带娃这件事变得非常浅薄。
The snaps shared online show how inventive dads are keeping their children entertained, while amusing themselves at the same time. 网上这组相片袒长远,自出机轴的爸爸们既让孩子们感到事理,同期也能逗我方一笑。
One father managed to simultaneously feed his baby at a restaurant while drinking a bottle of beer. 在餐馆里,一边喂孩子一边我方喝啤酒,这个爸爸作念到了!
Another plays video games while his daughter paints his toenails in fetching shades of purple and pink 这位爸爸在打游戏,而他的男儿把他的脚趾甲涂成了迷东谈主的紫色和粉色。
One dad showed off his leg hair that had been tied up in neat buns, presumably by his daughter 这位爸爸秀出了我方的腿毛,被扎成了整王人的小辫子,好像亦然被男儿整的吧。
One dad took his son to a DIY store, keeping him distracted by creating a den using a shopping trolley. 这位爸爸带孩子去了一家DIY商店,用购物车搭了个小窝,让他在内部分分神。
One dad is pictured doing a pull up with his baby on his back and two youngsters grabbing onto his legs in a rather precarious-looking manoeuvre 这位爸爸背着娃作念引体进取 ,还有另外两个孩子一东谈主抱着他一只腿,这可真危急。
Another discovered he could take a nap while his kids played with toy cars on a track printed onto his T-shirt 另一位爸爸发现,让孩子按我方T恤衫上印的轨谈玩儿玩物车,我方就不错睡上一觉。
Another encouraged his daughter to eat her dinner by sitting down with her at her bright pink - but rather small - table. 还有位爸爸发现,和男儿扫数坐在她亮粉色的小餐桌前,不错饱读吹她吃饭。
One dad made his kids believe they were playing video games with him - but he unplugged their controllers 这位爸爸让孩子们确信他们在扫数打游戏,但孩子们的遥控器没插电。
Another dad showed off the toys his kids used to accessorise his hair, which included a mini helicopter 另一位爸爸向群众展示了孩子们给他戴的发饰,内部还有架迷你直升机。
Another picture shows a dad and his daughter sporting matching hair bows 在这张相片里,爸爸和男儿带着相等的头饰
One dad displayed his rather unorthodox parenting skills by carrying his son through an airport by his belt 这位爸爸向群众展示了他私有的带娃法:用腰带拎着孩子过机场。
And one dad proved that he will always go to the extra mile for his daughter. He dressed up as Little Red Riding Hood, as she wanted to be the wolf 这位爸爸向群众说明了我方总快意再为男儿付出一些。他把我方打扮成小红帽,而男儿则快意当大灰狼。
at the best of times: 在最有益的情况下 hilarious: 令东谈主捧腹的,极度滑稽的 bun: 发髻
英文开端:逐日邮报 翻译&编审:yaning成人游戏下载